Selkirk & The Valleys
'Selkirk & The Valleys' is the name for the Placemaking / 'Town Team' planning Community-led ideas for improvements to Selkirk and the Ettrick & Yarrow valleys.
Well-attended public meetings in 2002/2023 involved more than 100 residents to discuss Selkirk's future. Now, the ‘Selkirk & The Valleys’ group has been formed, and has managed to distil more than 400 comments into 40 ideas iunder 5 subheadings, including: People & Wellbeing, Tourism, Arts, Culture & Heritage, Natural & Local Built Environment, and Business Development. The group has now launched a series of public consultation initiatives to allow the community to choose their favourites.
See the drop-down pages below this one to check out the suggestions.
The first round of consultation is designed to produce a draft Local Plan in early September, which will then be published for comments, before creating the final version of the Plan in December.
There are also ideas from the Selkirk Action Plan, 2012-2015, which can be pursued as well, since many of of those have already been endorsed.
All in all, it will be the start of what is planned to be a long period of activity for the benefit of Selkirk and its surrounding areas.
Members of the subgroups include representatives from the Selkirk Hill Management group, Live Borders, the South of Scotland Destination Alliance, the Victoria Park Action Group, Selkirk Community Council, the Ettrick & Yarrow Development Company, Thornfield Care Home, Scott’s Selkirk, the General Store, and many local organisations, as well as interested residents who attend the monthly public meetings.
Projects these days require funding from various sources, including grants, and it is a given that new projects should be community-led, so this is a chance for everyone in Selkirk and the Ettrick & Yarrow valleys, as well as local towns such as Midlem, Liliesleaf and Selkirk, to endorse any or every idea – or suggest ones that haven’t been yet mentioned.
A link to the first public meetings is here, as supported by Scottish Borders Council.
Go to the 'PLANS' Page below this one to see all the ideas for your comments.